In the midst of stocking up on food, toilet paper, and canned foods, perhaps you might consider buying a few more canned veggies and beans versus meat that you can only fit so much of in your freezer. Please read on…
Almost everyone remembers the old Wendy’s commercial from 1984 with the little old ladies complaining about the small meat patties on the hamburger buns (targeting McD’s thin little hamburgers). It was a very effective marketing campaign that lead to Wendy’s being known for their square-shaped, robust and juicy burgers that were generous on meat vs. the other guys. And for decades, we have, as a society, been focused on “getting enough protein” in our diets and making sure that there is a representation of animal protein on the plate otherwise the meal feels somehow incomplete… that is until now.
At the beginning of this cancer journey, I slowly altered my diet to include more plants through veggie smoothies that included broccoli stems, spinach, celery, cucumbers, kale, and Bartlett pears (2 pears if I was feeling generous to myself that day). I also cut out the processed sugar in my diet, and went primarily organic. But when it came to meat, I still considered clean sources of protein to be healthy and good for me.
After a year of chemo and a clinical trial that didn’t turn out as expected, my friend Delfina turned me onto a protocol that lead me down a rabbit hole. In hindsight, it was like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix after he swallows the red pill.
My life of ignorance was over. This protocol included a lot of things I had to change, one of which was giving up animal protein.
Animal protein promotes the body’s production of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) which promotes tumor growth. It was challenging to eat differently than my family because many nights I found myself making dinner for them and then eating a bowl of kale as I watched them eat normal food. I’ll be honest, I was salty for a while knowing that there was no way I could transition my family to eat what I was eating. Originally from Texas where the steaks are big and served with a side of potatoes, the idea of cutting out meat was unheard of!!
But at the end of last year, my friend Shelley told me about a documentary that really changed things…it was truly “game-changing” and appropriately the name of the show is Game Changers and it’s featured on Netflix.

I watched it… then I watched it again. I was so impressed.
It’s a show from the perspective of athletes (not just any athletes, but extreme athletes) that don’t eat animal products… and why they choose this lifestyle. This show doesn’t show dead animals on over crowded farms that make you feel bad for eating eggs for breakfast. It’s the story of an ultimate fighter on his quest to find out the most ideal diet to heal an injury. During his journey, he seeks out and interviews several athletes who prove to excel in their field on a plant-based diet. In addition to just anecdotal research, they bring in doctors to share the science behind it.
For weeks I told my family we needed to watch it. And finally, after the holidays, I made a plant-based meal for the family (tofu bowls) and we had a “movie night” as all 5 of us sat down to watch it.
We all swallowed the “red pill”… together.
Since that night, our family has made a major switch to mostly plants for meals at home. Some of us are more willing to adopt than others, but the person who has surprised me the most is my husband Brandon. He loves meat but has converted almost completely to a plant-based diet. Even when he travels he makes better choices because he feels better. And at our age… who doesn’t want to feel better?
I have since gotten a little more savvy about plant-based recipes that are delicious and now that the family is on board, it’s actually fun to try new things. There are so many more options for meat substitutes and products that cater to vegans and vegetarians in the convenience and frozen food sections at the grocery store. It really is getting easier!! Here is a dish I made… yum, so delicious!

The Spicy Asian Vegetable Soup from Dr. Michael Greger’s How Not to Die Cookbook.
So I hope you’ll be inspired to watch Game Changers and this interesting YouTube video my nephew Parker sent me today. Even Bill Gates is in support of plant-based meats.
Check it out here:
Fascinating, isn’t it? I think a movement is definitely underway and even if you don’t decide to completely cut out meat, even small choices will make a difference.
And about that protein thing… the recommended daily intake is .36 g per pound of body weight. Did you know that 1 cup of red kidney beans has 43g of protein? Bring on the vegetarian chili!

So if you’re ready for your eyes to be open, to feel less “puffy” (inflamed), increase your performance, reduce your recovery time, feel better, and help the planet… take the red pill… and watch GAME CHANGERS (since you’re probably not going out as much now anyways) ☺️
For my favorite vegetarian chili recipe, click here:
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me.” Psalms 138:7 NIV
Stay Safe and Stay Healthy.
Onward and Upward,
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